How big is the Solar System?
(Estimating the dimensions of the Solar System Virtual Laboratory)
Virtual Lab Starts Here
(Estimating the dimensions of the Solar System Virtual Laboratory)
- Calculate the approximate diameters of planets in the solar system.
- Compare the approximate distances of planets from the Sun.
- Instructions: Write and respond to the following questions in your journal based on the reading for this virtual laboratory - located along the left-hand side of the lab screen. These should be considered notes. a) Describe the difference between rotation and revolution. b) For this virtual lab, how do we define the 'distance traveled'? c) What is retrograde motion? d) Are there any planets that demonstrate this motion?
- Follow the guide along the left hand side of the virtual lab for step-by-step instructions.
- Complete the table/graph located on the virtual lab (3rd tab).
- Answer the journal questions included in the lab (1st tab).
- Draw a diagram of the Solar System (sheet provided by Mr. Mercer). Please include the planets' distances, diameters, whether it has been visited by probes and these names listed if so.
Virtual Lab Starts Here